Monday, April 26, 2010

The reflection of Steve Jobs' speech

As a businiess man, Steve Jobs, the co-fonder of Apple, is undoubedly one of the most successful. Some says that the key to success is to become cold-hearted and cruel, caring nothing but profit. However, after listening to his speech, I found that there were few people who can be as passionate to the life as him. What Steve Jobs revealed in the speech is the spirit to love your career as well as to love your life.

The first story Jobs mention is to connect the dots and to look backwards. I think this philosophy is totally useful for we who is going to graduate from the university. We, as a students, are always told to do something which is considered to be good for us. We will be never for sure what the outcome will be. The point is that we, like him said, have to keep faith in ourself. We have to trust in our life and also our destiny. Sometimes we just have to venture without caring the consequence. Since no who knows the future, why should we limit ourself? As the old saying goes, nothing ventured, nothing gained. We do whatever we believe is correct and, withough regret, embrace the end with our confident and faith. I myself have started to prapare for the exam of public service for half an year. There was always somebody keep remind me of that I might fail the test. But just like Jobs said, our work is going to fill a large part of our life, and the way to be trul satisfied is to do what we believe is great work. An dthe only way to do great work is to love what we do. These days I keep asking myself whether I love the career or not, and it appears that I do, which means from now on I have to pay more attention and spend more on my studying. Thanks to the speech, it help me to make up my mind and and gain a new confident in me.

1 comment:

  1. Right, learn to be passionate about life is important.
